I watched his presser yesterday….
So did my wife….
We had a smiles all the way thru…
Barack H. Obama , unecumbered by having to run for President again, aware of his term in office widing down , was a entirely different person….He got a chance to get shit off his mind….
Good for Him….
It’s not just the fourth quarter. It’s trash talk time.
President Barack Obama’s never done a good job hiding his disdain for the people he doesn’t like—a long list that includes reporters, Republicans, pretty much every member of Congress, the foreign leaders he considers petty and childish (Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyanu most of all). Everyone would see things his way, he tends to project, if only they were a little smarter and thought it through as thoroughly as he has.
Usually when he’s explaining why the world’s wrong and he’s right, he’s looking down his nose and drily lecturing, getting deep into wonky policy explications that leave even his staff yawning and too confused or bored to explain.
On Friday afternoon in the State Dining Room, at a wide-ranging press conference, he was just having a good time.
He showed up ready to mock, with an unimpressed, exaggerated upside down smile just one right cheek mole short of a Robert DeNiro impression. The smile popped up again and again, as he swept his hand to dismiss questions, cutting off one reporter reciting criticism of him versus Putin with a wrap-it-up finger motion and saying, “I get it,” then sneering through a takedown that ended with him taking a beat like he’d been training at the Friar’s Club: “So – what was the question again?”
On Jeb Bush’s dismissal of a school shooting in Oregon as “stuff happens”: “I don’t even think I need to react to that one.”
On the upcoming fight with Congress over the debt ceiling, with a laugh: “I’m sure the speaker’s race complicates these negotiations.”
The most pronounced smirk came as he brushed off people who don’t agree with him on guns: “There are all sort of crackpot theories floating around,” Obama said, “some of which are sometimes ratified by elected officials in the other party.”
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